New Chapter
As I left the hangar for the last time I felt a couple tears trickle down my cheek. Boy did I love living there so much. It was the hardest place I had to leave. Not only did it become home for me but it became a place I ha grown and transformed. A place I learned to believe in myself despite the bad feelings. My heart grew to love more, be more open and soar there and leaving it was bittersweet.
I am so grateful for everything I have in my life and all the lessons along my journey, and I am so eager for the future to unfold. As I sit here in my families house I feel so warm and loved. At first I was nervous because I haven’t lived with parents in so long, but as I settle in I find it to be so homey. I even got to have dinner with them. To me eating dinner with others is something I hold dear to my heart. It’s the coming together and communicating how your day was, and being surrounded with love. In moments like these I relish in it and enjoy every second because soon they will pass and be just lovely memories.
Let me ask you what are some moments in your life that you seem to miss? Whether it be from work, or looking at your phone, or just to self involved. Really think about what it is that holds you back from being present in the moment. Because I bet later on down the road you will reminisce these moments and wish for them to be the same now. Many times we take for granted what we have instead of truly embodying gratitude every day. One day there will be no more days of fun and joy, do you want to live fully or do you want to seize the day and live?
Today was a 9 and I am beyond grateful for Nick’s parents. They invited me into their home for the next 2 weeks as we wait for our new apartment to be finished with open and loving arms. What more can I ask for than a family like that? It truly fills my heart with so much love and happiness. I hope for you my friend that you too have things to be grateful for today.