Self Reflection
It’s a good thing to self reflect from time to time. Especially in times of big change going on in your life. This kind of introspection helps to gain clarity and assurance in your self. There are so many times we walk around further ahead then we were last year but not recognizing the leaps and bounds and changes we have made. There are times where we are so up in the head space floating on worries and the stories that we fail to see how far along we have come in our lives. So I want to give you some prompts for you to do over the next day or week that will allow you to really dive into yourself and be like Oh yea! I am a bad bitch!! LOOK WHAT I’VE DONE!
During this time of self reflection be honest with yourself. Seriously if you lie to yourself about where you are on your journey that only stops any further progress you will make. Also if what you find out is not up to where you believe you “should” be then forgive yourself and be kind. The expectations we put on ourselves of “should, and comparisons,” is the main reason we punish ourselves so much. Take care of yourself when looking over things. This isn’t meant to be a moment to judge yourself or be mean, but a moment to uplift you to rise up.
Some questions to ask:
Where was I last year on my journey, mentally, physically, and emotionally?
How have I improved upon the state I was in last year? What goals did I reach?
Did I stick with a plan for myself to reach my goals?
How can I measure my progress this year to reach my goal?
What can I do to motivate myself to accomplish my goals this year?
What is one thing I wish I did this year but didn’t because I was afraid?
How have I controlled the direction my life took last year?
What have I done to improve my self confidence this year?
What am I worried about this coming year?
How can I be kind and control my self-talk especially when I experience failure?
What are tangible career goals I can set for myself for this coming year?
Am I in the job or career path that is truly right for me?
Am I using my time wisely?
Am I living in my authentic self?
Am I taking care of myself physically, mentally, emotionally?
What do I want most in life?
As I have spoken about the past few blog posts I have been under a great deal of stress. Healthy because I am in the process of growing my business. But I kept thinking about all these self doubts about this move. I started to freak myself out and felt regret and dread and fear creeping in and making me doubt my greatness! But I pulled back on all these huge things that had me stressed and realized what have you been saying to yourself all year writing this blog? It doesn’t have to be pretty you just have to do it!! So that is my plan moving forwards! I am going to work on what I can, when I can when it comes to making my new space exactly what I want it to be. And the only reason I could find this clarity and peace was because I started to self reflect on where I began.
I first began in a room that cost me $195 a month with no clients and so much fear in having to pay that I almost didn’t do it. Then I gained more clients and moved to a $300 place and was scared but I knew that I could make it. Then I moved to another space that was more and got more expensive every year. Not by much but by then I had a following. Now I am taking the biggest leap into a much bigger studio where now I have to find other people to work with. People I get to chose! And it’s scary but I am excited! Why? Because I get to build my amazing team of Rhinos so we can charge into the future together! Even beginning the search has made me realize what I am looking for in potential workers, and a few of them already have become the things I don’t want. So bye Felicia, no time for flakes!
Last year I began this journey with Dare to Habit and it has pushed me to where I am now, moving into a new space that will be the start of my empire. I’ve never been someone to give up, even as low as I was in the past, I always kept going. Today I live my most authentic self and love every hair on my head, and I am proud of this fact. Not many people can say that about themselves which is a real shame because you should love yourself that much! My goal over the next year is to write a book. Remember I started this blog last year with the intention to prove to myself that I could be consistent every day for a year, so it would prove that I could write a book. And here we are slowly approaching the year date! Ahhh!!! Can you believe it!
If I continue to write everyday for the next 6 days I will have written 335 blog entries out of 365! In the span of a year I took a mont off, 30 days. During those days I went on vacation, took space for myself, and gave myself time off to just decompress. Part of me wants to be like why did you take so much time off, and the other part of me is like are you kidding? I wrote for an entire year and didn’t give up. I didn’t just be like meh I’m done with this. I put in the work and it’s rewarded me so much. I’m unbelievably proud of myself for this, last year I was depressed and in a real dark place at the start of this Covid nonsense. Now here I am a year later expanding into a beautiful beginning and expansion of my brand!
So I want you to self reflect? I want you to look at where you were last year and where you are today? Take stock of your own journey even if it’s not desirable. Years ago I had no job, was destitute living in a small studio apartment and couldn’t afford to pay for anything. I had no food, no money and no people in my life, I was really sick and starving. So I’m telling you things get better if you believe they can, if you put in the work, and you remember how that low feeling felt. Use it as fuel so that you can rocket yourself to the moon and reach your dreams. You don’t have to settle or stay stuck, you can do anything you believe you can. You are in control and that gives you the power to do whatever it is you want!
Today was a 9.