Angels and Demons, truth about your higher self

You know the days you feel ready to put the pedal to the metal and go go go! Then the next day or few days after your brain starts to pick problems with that first thing you were so ready to go in to? Well that’s normal. They say your ego is there to keep you safe but lately I think it’s just a mean bully who wants to keep you down. The battle of good and evil isn’t about angels and demons, it’s about you and you. 

We all have the higher self telling us nothing is impossible. This pure energetic vibration that exists within us, yet we tend to get stuck in the egoic physical body. Why? Because we were indoctrinated to believe that we are our bodies and the things outside ourselves. Our worth is determined by what we have, do, make, create, become, and so on. But the truth is none of the things outside of us matter. What matters is our higher consciousness, that pure voice in our gut that we call the gut feeling. That is where this battle of good vs evil is. 

When we are born before society shapes us we are pure beings of light and love. We aren’t shaped yet by our parents stories and inadequacies of themselves, nor our peers or fellow human beings. That pure innocence is what we truly are and yet we lose it every time we are told to do as others say, speak as others do, become like everyone else, follow everyone else’s path. We aren’t taught to explore our individuality or creativity, or to meditate to listen to our higher self. Instead we are force-fed crap from people who have no idea themselves who they are or their purpose. They believe that to fit in and attain what everyone wants is the true goal. So that is why you see so many kids coming out of high school not knowing what they want to do, so many people divorcing their partners, and all this identity crisis and social media idealization. We ask others who we are because they all seem to know right? 

WRONG! Unless you have done the work and truly owned how to love yourself then you will be just like others. Having relationships that bring drama, that are filled with chaos, inadequate pay, not satisfied, not fulfilled, etc. To combat this learning to be in the natural flow of the world will help you understand yourself. Meditate, find something that snaps you out of that ego and deep need to be like everyone else, always right, always in control so that you can actually hear your higher self. I see so many people focused on their jobs, their partners, controlling how others act around them that they use all that outside stuff to make them avoid the big question, Who are you without it? It’s easier to keep outside distractions like dramas, gossip, telling your partner how to behave around you and making sure they satisfy you that it makes you forget how to take control of yourself. Think about it, did you ever tell someone to stop acting a type of way because it embarrassed you? It made you feel uncomfortable? It made you feel inadequate? Did you ever question why? Did you ever think that it’s you? Because I will tell you right now it is. What someone else does is them and in no way reflects you or who you are. You making it about you is why you have to use others to feel better about yourself or need outside validation. Because you haven’t taken 100% responsibility for you. 

This world needs a true change. We face bullies giving their opinions because the government says that this is all backed by science. Well science has been wrong, the government has lied over and over and makes sure to keep us peasants down. The truth is people follow others blindly because they don’t know how to listen to their higher power. They don’t know how to sit quietly and let go of everything, all thoughts, all egoic mentalities, all the crap that we aren’t because they are so desperate for labels and an Identification. This is the stage of the before. I bet you reading this Is in the stage of the before. Before you understand you are way more then your body, your mind, your emotions, your wallet. You are in this place searching for answers, using your emotions to force the answers to come. To will things into existence. You fill your day with anything outside yourself because sitting with yourself creates tension, anxiety, depression and more. And that will only intensify as you get older. You will become close minded because of it, not willing to see others opinions. That rigidity becomes your identity because the ego has to be right. And for you I am sorry. Those in the before I pray and send love to you that you may find the courage to challenge what is. To challenge your own ego and battle the demon instead of becoming a narcassistic old man or lady set in your ways always needing things in order, fighting time, fighting the flow. Creating dramas and distance between you and others because we wouldn’t want to upset you with our opinions. 

If you want to change then I recommend you learn to meditate. I highly suggest this over and over because in order to dismantle the ego you must first overcome all the layers you put on. To meditate helps shed old beliefs, old habits, old you, and the death of the ego. But it’s up to you to put in that work. NO ONE WILL DO IT FOR YOU! It’s your life after all. So stay in the before if you want. Live your “normal societal life.” For those of you in the after lets chat. I’d love to discuss so many grand things and explore the depths of your imaginations. If you were offended during this let me ask you why? Is your ego so fragile that this would shatter it? I hope so because the ego is not your friend, it’s what holds you back from greatness. Shatter away. 

Today was a 10. 


Angels and demons, truth about the higher self


Self worth