Self worth
I’m gonna tell you a secret. Self worth is everything! When you love yourself and chose you then you honor yourself. You honor your courage, you honor your light and fight. When you invest in you then the game is changed forever.
I recently decided to do just this. I am learning as I go but I made a choice that I’m tired of hiding and playing it safe in a space that just isn’t for me anymore. I played the will I, won’t I jump for so long that I became a statue, stuck in the dark and stagnant. The should I just stay small because I am doing well question created fear in me, created anxiety. One minute I was ready for change and the next I was too afraid to take the leap. But that has changed. The momentum I created for myself is incredible. I know I can achieve what I plan to achieve without approval from anyone else. Why? Because I believe in myself more than ever. It’s a deep fire burning inside my very soul that I will never allow to be dimmed again.
For so long I compared myself to others in business, others in fitness, and desired perfection from myself at every moment. I am not perfect and I am happy I’m not because I am sculpting my soul into exactly what I wish to be. I am an artist and this life is my palette, the things which I create for myself are my masterpieces and I’m about to marvel myself with the next beautiful thing I do. Even if it fails, (which it won’t) I know I’ll make mistakes but with every mistake I become brighter and more passionate. Every obstacle another coal to my fire. This person I am now has been hidden for so long and now at the peak of my own self worth I have found faith in who I am. That is the greatest wealth I could ever imagine. Because when you believe in yourself than nothing is impossible, you can always find a way.
That is why finding your self worth is everything. I can tell you stop comparing yourself to others. Stop going on instagram and looking at others happiness. I can bring you to the waters of worth but it’s up to you to drink. Everything you need is within you, all the goals you want to reach, the money you want to make, the relationships you want to have. ALL OF IT Is inside you but you’re so caught up in your story that you let opportunities pass you by. You let that story dictate what your worth is. You let it tell you who you are. When in reality we are not those stories or these bodies, we are so much more. When you can truly grasp this then you begin to realize how amazing you are. I found this with meditation. It’s lifted the veil of bullshit I told myself and that is why my new wellness studio will have meditation. It’s why I plan on learning how to teach people meditation. It helped me find my self worth and rise to greet that beautiful bitch. I love who I am. My body, my mind, my emotions, my surroundings, every ounce of my life I LOVE. It’s not just a saying, I feel it so deeply in my core that nothing can hurt me. I love myself beyond the infinite space of the universe.
So for you my friend I need to ask you what it is you want more than anything? Money? Relationships? Materialistic things? Here’s the secret again in case you don’t get it, but if you gained all these things tomorrow. All the unimaginable riches of the world would you still be craving more? Would YOU still not be enough that you had to pursue money, relationships, love, etc. Because those things outside of you are great. They make life fun and a blast to experience. But if you don’t have love for you, that body you inhabit, that mind you have then no amount of external things will ever make you happy or bring you true joy or peace. It comes from within, it comes from you honoring your higher self. Learn to appreciate that and you will be the riches person on the planet because that is how I feel now. Everything outside of me is just an amazing bonus.
Today was a 10.