
How do we manifest anything? What are the steps that we need in order to create what we dream of! What does it mean to manifest? Well manifestation is the creation of something we imagine for ourselves and to make it come into existence. When you focus on something or a thought it then becomes intensified and thus comes into fruition. I practice this a lot, there also has to be a lot of conviction in it. You can’t be wishy washy or lack confidence when it comes to manifesting, you must speak it out loud with authority.

When I manifest things truly and they come into existence everyone around me calls me lucky, but what I am doing is using the laws of attraction. I hone in on the thing I want and with that focus and assertiveness it becomes so. The only thing is you can’t manifest things that are of free will. Meaning if you wish for your current boyfriend or girlfriend to grow up and be something more for you their energy must want the same thing. That is what free will is. But say you manifest to have a relationship that is grown up and more sophisticated you may lose your current one and something you wanted will come along later that matches that force you put out. When it comes to manifesting towards others the energy and spirit of another must first agree with what you chose to create. Or else you are trying to control someone else and that goes against free will.

To manifest you must feel it. Meditation can allow you to get closer to what it is you want to manifest. Maybe you need to find a path to walk down in life and you need guidance? Whatever you want to manifest it must be felt fully. My boyfriend knows just how magical I can be. For instance when we go out and I have to find a parking spot I make it happen. One time we drove around this little parking spot and I said go around once more one will open up and you know what it did. There were other cars and people and it was small but we got it because I said it with conviction and a knowing. That is what I am talking about, it’s like a spell you cast.

Manifesting is hard. When doubt and fear creep in they derail any type of power you give to that manifestation. It’s a sort of magic that we all have, but we are so unfocused and unwilling to be present to create it. Or what we create is the negative cycles or thoughts in our life. That is why it’s so important to understand yourself and what the negatives you tend to keep going are. Otherwise you could perpetuate a type of behavior until you learn from it. For me it was always wanting to belong to a family. My family has made me the black sheep and shuts me out, the love I have received looked like this. I was always a convenience instead of someone who belonged. I was only called when there was a problem. So what did this create for me? My relationships became this. Friends would talk to me when it was convenient for them or when they had no one else. People would call me when they had an issue and needed help or needed something from me. And I didn’t realize how much this played into my life. I couldn’t see this is what I had created for myself. From the place I work to friends I have made this has been what I created for me. Wow, that sucked. But it wasn’t until I saw it that I realized that it was no longer allowed to be my reality. I was no longer accepting relationships that made me a convenience or used me. I no longer allowed myself the superficiality of fake relationships because I felt like I was alone. It wasn’t until I started looking at my part in manifesting and magic that I realized holy shit, what the fuck have I been doing?

Manifesting is still hard for me. It takes focus and work to manifest because you must always be in a state where your energy resonates with the universe. I still have negative thoughts or runaway trains that perpetuate the fear. But know those fears are just your ego trying to stay in control. Fear is a way to keep people in check, and when your own fears keep you from creating the life you want that is when you lose the ability to manifest. You lose yourself to the self. It requires courage and trust together to manifest, you also need a pinch of clarity, a dash of focus, and a splash of authority.

So what I want you to do is write down what it is you want to create. Don’t know what it is, then write down that you want to manifest a knowing. That you want to open yourself up to receive guidance and clarity. Once you do that ground yourself in it. Tie your very being to that thing and everytime there is something that negates what you want to make, swat it away like a fly. Those negative energies will be there to make you give up, to make you want to just crumble. But you have to show ferocity and tenacity, you have to pump it up even more. Like have you ever watched dragon ball z and they are charging up their kamehameha wave? It’s like that, you are charging up your energy with sheer force and authority. You are standing your ground and focusing all you have on it. No outside forces are coming in and if they do you refocus yourself. Then once you feel it without an ounce of doubt you unleash it. That is when it comes into being. You take steps towards it, you make decisions towards it. Everything you do is for that manifestation and viceversa. It’s like you and what you are trying to create are yin and yang and must keep the balance for one another in order for it to become reality. At least this is how I view it. So what are you waiting for? No one is going to do it for you. So get to it.

Write down a list of goals you want to achieve. From small little daily goals to huge dreams. I want you to write down everything you do in your day and see where your time is focused. What are you prioritizing yourself with? Do you say you have no time but then binge watch 10 episodes of a show? Find out where your energy is going and then commit to your goals. Commit to learning to change a tire or crocheting a blanket. Commit to opening up your own business or going back to school. You are in control of your life, no one is going to coddle you and live it for you so get the fuck up and live!!!

Today I am at an 8. A little tired because I had dairy yesterday and I don’t do well with that but other then that great!!


Nature and it’s effects on mood

