Massage Intro

I have been a massage therapist now for almost 8 years. I’ve worked with so many different people from all walks of life. I have become a see-er as I put it, because as Ida Rolf says, “ Seeing is touch at a distance.” This means that through watching and assessing someone as soon as they come in you are able to see what you need to do in order to help them. I fall in and out of love with massage though, why? Because I always need change. The setting, the scenario, the clientele, I need to be able to change it up, a lot. I love working with people though. Being able to assess and problem solve like a detective pushes my brain into overdrive. I love getting deeper then the average not just physically but in all aspects of the human body and psyche. Massage for me is my art form, it’s my way of expression. And during this whole quarantine I haven’t felt positive about it. I wanted to get rid of this because I was scared. I don’t have an income and the way I make money is being told to stay closed because I am not essential. But for me massage is everything. It is powerful and healing, and there are some who disagree. But let me ask you, do your doctors even touch you when you are there. Do they evaluate the tissue? Do they watch your gait and posture? Do they check your range of motion? I bet they don’t. I bet you they prescribe you flexoral or some kind of muscle relaxor for a pinched nerve and send you on your way. That’s bullshit, because health care begins with touch.

When you touch someone an energy exchange happens. In that exchange if you are perceptive enough you can sense a lot about a person. Their muscle tone, their tension, the patterns of their habits, along with their emotions and even sometimes their memories. There has been times I have worked on someone and seen things or heard things in my minds eye about that person. I don’t normally talk about it or tell them but the past few months I was challenging that. You see I want to be uncommon amongst the common as David Goggins puts it. Perhaps that is why I always need change and to be challenged when it comes to massage. I believe that we live in frequencies that change as our thoughts go. And when I touch someone I am able to feel that. That is why I am intuitive and always know where to go. It’s not purely based on my sight and knowledge, because I know jack compared to the grand scheme of the world. Massage for me is based on my ability to read that energy, the frequency in which that person is residing at.

Sure I am knowledgeable when it comes to massage, I know muscles actions, innervations, and all that. I can work one muscle and unlock a whole issue based on that knowledge, anyone could. But it’s underneath that which is what I want to get to. We as human beings are always shocked when we realize we have muscles everywhere, or that one spot is connected to another. Do you honestly think that you are just living from the neck up? When you move one way do you feel in your body how it can pull from another? Do you understand how when you are stressed tension forms in a spot because it’s an emotional frequency residing there and in order to get rid of it you have to get rid of stress? We are not just flesh and bone, we are much more. We are energetic beings, emotional beings, and spiritual beings. And massage when it’s done on the deep levels can be a form of healing as Albert Einstein puts it. “Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” I found this quote and it left me marveling because holy shit I have been talking about this for a while now. I have literally been helping peoples energy.

When I work on you it isn’t just a physical practice. I am connecting to you. I am communicating with your energy and working on what is the cause of this pain and tension. I am a healer in this world and for a long time I denied this out of fear, out of judgement and ridicule. But I am great at what I do and always want to be better. There is much more I want to talk about when it comes to massage so there will be other blog entries about this topic. Some will be more in detail about the actual art of massage. This is just a blip in the entirety of what I want to talk about. I hope you are all doing well and are happy and safe!!

Today I am at a level of 5. This will be how I end each blog from now on.




Numbers in the form of peace