Rest & Relaxation

How hard do you go all the time? Did this quarantine open your eyes up and show you what changes need to happen? I got to slow down and it taught me how hard I was working. It also taught me how much physical stamina I need and taught me to pace myself back. 

A lot of times we jump right back into the game not realizing that the endurance we once had is no longer our current state of affairs. We go hot out the gate and get burnt out and hurt ourselves right from the start. That is why I slowed down. I had to. The work I do is way to much for my physical body to endure after having 3 months off. 

So what do we do instead of rushing? We pace! Its not a sprint, its a marathon and endurance is the name of the game. If you cant go back to full capacity like me find something on the side to help out until you can. Take the extra time off to allow your body to recover. What is more important? Your mind and body, or money? Use this time as an opportunity to rest and build yourself up. I know its scary, I know it can be down right hard. But if you don’t take care of yourself and do what you need to get to where you want then you will become drained and resentful. 

What are some ways you could allow for some rest and relaxation in your spare time? It could be as simple as sitting on the couch and vegging out on tv. Find something that allows you time to chill out but not become complacent. Think about cat naps, they are quick under 30 minute bits of sleep. Anymore and you wake up lethargic, maybe even being more tired then you were. Same goes for rest. Find 30 minutes to do something restful then get up and cook some dinner. Or go do some laundry. Go for a walk in nature, take your dog. Rest for 30 then get up and move that way you don’t become a vegetable on the couch losing all motivation to even try. When you get up before those 30 minutes you empower that rest! You empower your energy to do more. 

After doing something then rest again if you want. Maybe curl up in a chair and read, after 30 min go stretch on the floor. If 30 minutes isnt enough then do an hour. But no more then that. Otherwise an object at rest will stay at rest and this is when we may overthink or become depressed or anxious. 

Work on ways to take advantages of self care here. Its crucial for your health and mind that you take time for you. Its not selfish, it is promoting self love. If you break down and others rely on you then what happens? By taking that time it also teaches others of how important it is. You may help someone without realizing your influence. So rest, relax and take care of you! Because you’re number one!

Today was at a 6. Didnt get enough sleep. Gonna make up for it now!! 


Happy fourth


What makes you tick?