
Don’t underestimate a good cry. Seriously crying is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Imagine your tears being all the doubts, all the fears, all the inner conflict finally coming to the surface. Tonight when I went to write I just felt so full of noise and couldn’t think about anything to write about. This blocked feeling was coming up a lot lately, and I have been feeing it growing more and more intense. Then I went to write my blog and my bf sent me an image of a beautiful tree house and the water works began. I mean I felt it earlier, ya know the feeling right? Where you feel the dam about to break at any moment and you feel your sensitivity heightened. 

What was my cry about? Many things. There was not one particular reason for it but a culmination of many. Today I had meditated and sunk to a place in that meditation where I felt things stirring. Not wanting to be there I changed where I was going and then followed that path, but that inner dark place with it’s cries for help followed me home. It stalked me until finally it got so close that it finally overpowered me. And here I am writing about it. But to cry is to let go, its to allow shimmers of pain, hurt, sadness, anger, grief, shame, guilt, happiness come pouring out over your face. Then you are left a swollen mess, but its beautiful because its releasing so much. 

I think we are a society that mocks crying, or shames people for it when its one of the healthiest things for us. Take a sponge for example, you load it with soap and wash dirty dishes. Now imagine if you never cleaned that sponge or changed it out for a new one. Months go by of a dirty sponge and your dishes begin to smell now. Now years go by and still the same old sponge, it’s never been washed or cleaned properly. It’s the same with your emotions. Crying releases all the old and leaves you feeling lighter, and cleansed. It helps you process so much that is going on inside, especially if you talk during it. Game changer! 

After looking inward the past few days finding my limits, and working with affirmations to change them all the old gunk that was fouling up my plugs came cycling up and unleashed some blocks in my life. The ones I thought I had let go of but apparently just went deeper inside me. Hiding insidiously, waiting for my body to decay around them. Burying things is never the key that’s why crying helps. It brings to the light which may have been buried in the dark. 

I know some things say that you are what you think, and true. But not talking about that inner stuff, truly feeling it, releasing it, only keeps it stuck right where it is. And that subconscious mind knows it. Because of that it keeps that undertone stuck in your life. Ever wonder why you can’t move past something? Well your subconscious may know that deep down your beliefs may be opposite of what you are trying to do, believe, or accomplish. Also known as your limit, wait what? That undertone darkness or old pain is part of your limits? Yea, that’s why we discussed learning your limits, understanding why they are there and how to take time to understand you, and why we use affirmations to change them. Perhaps that is why the cry came about today, the use of affirmations has been surfacing everything so that I can change it. 

If you feel like you need to cry don’t hold back. Get into it, allow the puffy eyed, red face to commence because that is where you grow. In the ugly, the beautiful, the release. So cheers to a bright future my friends. Continue using your affirmations and love on yourself hard. Don’t allow the negative emotions to wrap you up in a negative space and bring you down. If you do start getting to low I want you to find something happy, anything that brings you joy or makes you feel gratitude. That way you can come out of it a bit. I want it to be cleansing for you, not reach a level of darkness that steals your joy. This is for healing and change, not to extinguish any light and love you have in your life. I applaud your courage and hope you find beauty in the tears like I do. 

Today was a 7. 


The Settling

