To work or not too

In a couple days I will be able to start working. Months of not being able to work and help heal people and here I am finally able to start again. There is so much hesitation and fear behind it. Im unsure if its right or know that what I do wont hurt someone. 

I hear all these different news stories about new cases popping up or stuff about it and part of me wants to wait to see. Then there the other part of me that just wants to start working. 

Have you been able to work? Even while all this goes on?  I know it couldn’t of been easy for most out there working. I can only imagine how horrible it might of been, or stressful. So I applaud that. If you haven’t like me when do you for-see going back? 

This will be a short one. I had a rough night last night and need to sleep. 

Today was the lowest I’ve been in a while. Probably a 4 because I wasn’t feeling right. 


Reconnect after Isolation


Childhood friends and Nostalgia