Everyone has it in them, to overcome the obstacles and shit storm. But the one thing they don’t have is the mindset to make it happen. Mindset is everything. It’s how you change your low vibration to something fueled with vigor and spice.
Speaking as someone who tends to stay at a low place most days, today was no different from that dark place. It wasn’t until I just laid there in bed talking to myself that I found the grit I needed to become who I was born to be. I woke up with worries and comparisons of others. Social media can be a two edge knife that creeps into your psyche and causes you to lose your confidence or “good feelings.” Because everyone wants to post about their highlights. What is going great for them, look at me hanging out with someone. Look at me I am doing this. But stop, think about it. No one is happiness and sunshine all the time. It’s a bullshit fantasy that is meant to make them feel good in the moment. So if you start scrolling, know that after 20 seconds your mind will be influenced to dwell on the people, things, or places you don’t have. It affects your self worth, and can lower your confidence. So limit it. I do now. I look and I say out loud okay I need to stop because it’s making me get stuck in my feelings.
Anyways back to the topic: perserverence. How do you overcome? Well look at your life, think about all the obstacles you have had to endure thus far. You overcame them right? Same goes for whatever is in front of you right now. You will always find a way to move forward, or you will sit in stagnation and worry. The mindset is up to you. You say you can’t then shit you won’t. It’s not rocket science, you don’t need a degree to do amazing things. You just need to change the way you approach it. But that sounds easier said then done.
Okay right now stop. I want you to think of someone who you love beyond anything right now. I want you to imagine you are talking to them. What would they say to you? For me I needed this today. I spoke to someone from my past, and as I laid in my bed feeling sorry for myself I had a conversation with them. This person started to ask me, Why are you comparing yourself to others journeys when you have your own? What is so special about them that you don’t have? Why are you allowing your power to be swayed by such trivial things? Then it started to get ugly, who the fuck are you to sit there and whine? I always knew you to be someone who pushed the boundaries, who spoke up and used your voice when you needed to. Why are you laying under a mountain of other people’s bullshit? Does it feel comfortable? The questions kept coming, and so did the hope. So did the grit and push I needed to get the fuck up and seize the day. I needed to hear these things, I needed to change my mindset.
That is how you do it, you find someone you admire with everything in you, someone you love or loved with everything you got. And you imagine them asking you why you are settling. Why you aren’t becoming who you were suppose to be. This is you digging deep, showing yourself just who the fuck you are. Yea you are in “the fight” trying to find your worth in it, but that voice is your way out. It may be using someone else to help support you, but nonetheless it’s coming from you. Sometimes you just need someone’s help, even if it is imaginary.
When you think about the obstacle and how you are going to get to the end that halts you. It puts up a big stop sign and your brain goes into panic mode. Why? Think of your brain like a computer, it uses logic and reasoning in order to create a pathway to get to the end result. So if you haven’t put in the write code, you get an error. Same goes for your brain, you have to take small steps to overcome and persevere through the obstacles otherwise you may start to feel inadequate, or down. By looking at the end you sacrifice the right now, causing anxiety to build up and cripple you. So I recommend you tackle whatever it is from moment to moment, mini achievement to mini achievement. That way your brain doesn’t freak out because it has no idea how it’s going to get past all this.
We are walking, talking, computers. When your programming is computing you to stay low, stay down it’s because that is what it is wired to do. If you can’t understand why you can’t do something, it’s because that is what you have programmed yourself to think. That is why with anything new in your life you have to write the programming for it, and that is called practice. You don’t automatically know how to be courageous, or follow through, you don’t know how to read or write, you don’t know how to overcome obstacles, because you have never done this. So give yourself a break, allow yourself that time to think about one small step you can do in the moment to help you start getting to the task at hand. Everything requires practice. Life is just practice. You practice waking up everyday with a great attitude. You practice cooking breakfast, or you practice going for a run. Everything you do has a cause and an effect. You practice something, so that wiring makes that a part of your knowledge. Everything you don’t do becomes something you won’t be good at. Yes some people have natural talents and proclivities for things, but they still need practice in order to make that natural talent something real. It is up to you to chose, because at the end of the day, that’s what you have. “Free will.” To believe you can, or believe you can’t, that is up to you.
What are some small steps you can take to help you jump the hurdles? Map it out, go into detail. Write a mini map of what will happen if you accomplish A, will it influence part B? Show your brain that the big scary thing isn’t anything but a bunch of small steps. After I want you to implement that one small step. Really focus on it until that step is your bitch. I want your muscles to pump battery acid and your breath to be fire by the time that task is done. Because that is you using everything you have in order to overcome the obstacle. Once you finish that first step, go to the next, then the next. One foot in front of the other, and soon you will be walking out the door of fear and out into the great big world. Stop hiding behind can’t and excuses, and start taking charge. Dig deep into your will power and pull that fucking rabbit out of there. Because we are all made of magic, now start acting like you are. Get the fuck up and do it. Because no one is going to for you. Do you have what it takes to finish? Or are you going to just there sit and cry about it?