The lies we tell ourselves

Have you ever gone out with the intentions of engaging with people? Instead of thinking of people as a problem, or dumb, or selfish, or whatever the feeling, have you changed the perspective about it? Lately I have been doing this exact thing. My problem wasn’t with people it was with myself regarding people. I looked at myself as a person who just didn’t know how to talk to people, or start a conversation. Sometimes this may happen, but more often now I create more for myself instead of limiting that type of action.

When we look at something a single way, without an open mind we limit ourselves to the possibilities. We put that wall up and basically put a sign on our chest saying closed for business. This in turn takes anything you are trying to manifest and has it bounce away, or go over our heads, or we can’t even see that it’s there. Why? Because we aren’t ready to truly receive it because we believe either we can’t have it, or we are closing ourselves off to it. 

I am great at communication, which wasn’t always my strong suit. Or was that a lie I fed myself for years? (Psst, it was a lie I told myself) But now I love talking to people, engaging with them, learning about who they are and how we can connect. It brings me so much joy and when I am able to help align someone with someone else for business, or growth, or help it just gives me so much satisfaction. I am a super social creature but for years I sat in a small room believing I was shy. That I was quiet, to awkward to fit in. It wasn’t until this quarantine opened me up to truly look within to find how amazing and social I was. 

I started remembering people’s names, because before I would be too afraid to say someone’s name. I was afraid I would say the wrong name, or it would come out jumbled. Even today I work on this old lie I told myself: “I am not good with names.” What a load of rubbish. Now I try to say their name at least 1 time in conversation because I know I am good with names, I’m quite intelligent. But here’s the thing, those old lies we tell ourselves, like I am too stupid, I am shy, I am bad with names, they are just that. LIES!!! They were things we took in from others, that we adopted as our own nature, as our truth.

So what are your lies? Do you even know? Find something you say to or about yourself. Now try to catch yourself in the process of it. Allow yourself space to change it by accepting it as a lie. Now add in a bit of truth with an affirmation that negates that lie! Happy hunting friends!

today was a 10!


Holiday Kindness

