What is cleaning for you? Does it just mean to make tidy in your environment? Cleaning should spark joy for you and if it doesn’t and is more of a chore then maybe you want to change it?
Remember that pain pleasure cycle I spoke about it applies to anything in life. You make it into a painful experience you want to avoid it. If its pleasant then you want to do it. For me cleaning reminds me of the good moments up at my dad’s house. When I would be able to see my brothers and dad, where we were all together. Before we would go have fun we would play Simon and garfunkle or Billy Joel and clean the house. It was a bonding family experience for me and cleaning reminds me of family.
When I have to clean by myself I find it to be harder. I still work towards the goal and get it done but I love doing things that remind me of togetherness and family. Family is the one thing I cherish above everything. The only thing is it’s just not like it was. Now its all distant, dysfunctional and drama, and it just leaves me longing for those younger years. Back when it was all love and togetherness to a degree.
Today I got to cleaning my living space. I was so tired of it being cluttered or dirty or just feeling dark. So I brightened it up with this awesome new lamp and put my books out. It feels more cozy and I needed that. You ever just get tired of a space and need to purge and clean it out? Yea that is what I did! But tomorrow I will be doing the rest of the house with my partner in crime!! I explained to him what cleaning together means for me, its a way I feel close in a space because of those memories with my dad and brothers. I am excited to share that with him.
Cleaning is an experience and to enjoy it while your doing it will make it more fun! So pop on an audiobook or some music and get down with cleaning! Its all about being in the moment and bringing out the brightness of a place! Share the experience with your family or partner or friends and get to cleaning.
today was a 9!