A dream is a wish your heart makes
So what does your heart desire? I want you to think back to pre-Covid, then during quarantine, and now. What differences have you seen in yourself and what has that done to your dreams? For me during quarantine I was looking for a way out of what I was doing. I know a gifted healer wanting to change it up? But being out of work, away from people allowed me to go through the monster of depression and come out the other side with a deeper understanding of what my heart desires.
And what could that be? To be an author. To write something memorizing that people come up to me and ask for me to sign something. It’s not about the fame, it’s about sharing my creativity with the world and being greeted with appreciation and awe. I long to share my creativity, my talent’s, my skills with the world and to travel because of them. I’ve thought about opening up something bigger like a spa so much but every time I feel this gut wrenching feeling in the pit of my stomach. It doesn’t give me a feeling of butterflies and joy, just being stuck to do the same monotony time and time again. Don’t get me wrong I love being a healer. Helping people brings me joy, but writing fills my soul. I mean look at this blog, today is entry number 195.
I was asked tonight by a friend if I could do anything without failing what would it be? And my response was to be an author, and write a book. And he said do it. I told him I have a plan, this blog is my proof that I have the capabilities to write something, especially once I reach my year goal. Everyday I get better with my skills of writing, everyday I spend time at it. This year although the year of the apocalypse, JK, is my year to prove to me I can follow through. That I am worth the risks, and that I can open up and show who I am and what I’ve gone through to get here.
So what are your dreams now? Have you had the same dream since childhood? Or maybe you are just figuring it out? Maybe you aren’t sure yet, and thats okay. If you do know then what are you doing to actively pursue it. We tend to spend so much of our mental focus and energy catering to the things that cause worry, or dread, or monotony, instead of focusing on the things we can do to change it. As I always say like attracts like, so what it is you keep attracting? Fear, or courage? Someday or right now? Seize the day and make your dreams a priority because all it takes is a little courage!
Today was a 8 1/2!