Blast from the Past

How many times do you get caught up in your own story? All those things that happened, I’m gonna tell you this now, they are done. Over, Caput. The things that came to past have no dictation over you right now or in the future, unless you allow them too. But we tend to get up in the same cycles, the same stories, just different circumstances. So what keeps you stuck in the loop?

Well for one you haven’t become aware of it. You keep playing the victim to your own story, everything is happening to you instead of for you. By constantly thinking that way you keep the same cycles going, instead of growing and learning from it. When you learn you are able to take charge, and no longer allow the things that are to be anymore. You have a choice in your life to change things, and if you chose to constantly submit to your circumstances because it’s to hard, to scary, to whatever that is on you. You chose not to put the work in to get out of whatever it is you have going on. When you give up your ability to chose that is when you do yourself a disservice.  

So what is to be done then? Well for one become cognizant of the situations that crop up. How do they remind you of past behaviors? Do you become reactive? Do you shut down when faced with rejection? What keeps popping up for you that you need to reflect and learn from. That is how you dissolve the past, and why I am able to talk about my past without pain, anger, or hurt. I mean sure there is a little but it doesn’t effect me the way it once did. Instead I talk about it to help inspire others that life can change. 

When I started to recognize how my reactions, my same actions kept bringing about similar events, that is when I decided to respond with awareness and understanding. That I no longer had to live this way. My life was mine to control, not the noise from the past, or the people from the hurts, but it was on me to lead and be the captain of this ship. I no how hard it is to walk around not even recognizing it, being close minded to everything around me, trust me I was there. I couldn’t help anyone back then especially myself. But now I know now a power in myself because of being able to see it and you can too. You just have to let go of the fact that things are happening to you. You allow what is happening in your life, bringing it into existence because of what you think and attract. Knowing this should allow you to become aware, and break the spell. 

If you need support please contact a therapist, or if you want someone to help you get on track I would love to work with you! Accountability buddies, or having someone to chat with about things can always bring more clarity to what it is you are hoping to change. Use the contact form on my contact page and ask for a free consultation today. Let’s work together to achieve the world and dare to habit!

Today was a 7. 


Where will you go?


A dream is a wish your heart makes