Reality Check
When making dreams I know that I can be sometimes unrealistic. And what do I mean about that? I mean giving my goal and dream a realistic time frame. This can also be a reality check when I become so scattered or sometimes unfocused on what it is I am trying to accomplish. Why is that? Maybe because when I see that I can’t accomplish it right away I am like wow well on to the next? Or maybe I just have ADD and forget that I need to focus on just one thing.
Today I went for coffee with someone who’s opinion I value very highly. It was exactly what I needed. It offered me insight, along with honesty. It allowed me to see my goals and that in order for me to achieve them I have to learn other skills to get there. The thing I have been preaching in this blog, baby steps is what I need to be taking. Instead of these giant leaps. What does baby steps do that giant leaps doesn’t? It offers you the ability to fail small, fail often, and learn from every mistake or failure. It offers you insight to what you could do differently on a larger scale, if you need to do this or that differently. You learn as you grow instead of jumping in the deep end and drowning.
That is what I needed to hear today. Re-evaluate what it is I am trying to achieve in this world and find my why for doing it. And then I need to act confident about every choice I make. I have put so many things on my plate and allowed myself to become too scattered. Too many directions instead of focusing on what is now, what is present. It is when you get truly real about these things that you can take a moment, breathe, and then start the steps forward.
I know that one day I am going to achieve what it is I want but for now I will just enjoy the progress. Here is to the now, being present in it, and taking it one day to the next!
Today was a 6.