One Dream
I want to ask you what’s one goal that you have been putting off, not prioritizing, or just plan only “dream” about. Really think about that one thing. Now think about how you used your time lately. Did you make one step towards it? Did you meet with someone to see about getting estimates? Did you put that money in the bank instead of spending it? Or did you ignore your dreams and worry about your job you hate, other people’s business?
What I want to talk about is our dreams. The things we spend time hoping for, praying for, wishing on stars for. The thing that you see yourself doing for the rest of your life, or part of your life. Have you taken action to make it more of a reality?
Today I went and spoke with a woman about what it is I am trying to create. I am also going tomorrow to speak to someone else about it. The fear is no longer there for me, that crippling doubt that makes me think I can’t possible do this. It’s gone. I believe I will achieve exactly what I want, and have really focused on how to get there lately. Asking anyone I feel comfortable with about business, the next step, the setting up of a business plan. I have built confidence and said ignore the thought of failing for a second. Imagine if what you want to create becomes more then you even thought it would. Imagine that your dream is real, it’s no longer just a hope and a wish. It’s your freaking life baby!!!
So do you want that? Do you actually want your dream? Do you believe that you are worthy of it? Are you teetering back and forth with it? What can you do in order to believe you are worth the work? Make a list, meditate, find a way to know that you are worthy, that your dreams are amazing! Because wishing for it to happen isn’t going to make it happen. It’s up to you my friend to get there, to dig deep and go after it! Need help getting there?? Then maybe what you need is a life coach or an accountability group! Find one because then you may see faster progress because you are sticking with it, feeding the fire and taking those reigns back.
(Hint, Hint! I am a certified life coach. Want to chat? Let’s set it up!)
Today was a 8. Feeling better, still some pain but better!!!