Remember to love yourself
Social media can be a bitch at times. It shows you the highlight reels of everyone around you. So much go get it bitch motivation, look at me and what I am doing, look at us we are the perfect couple, and so on. I’ve found at times of insecurity that social media just hits me harder. Probably because I am feeling that I am not doing that thing or getting that in my own life.
It started out once I was done with work for the day. The tiredness, the insecurity, the self doubt started to creep in. Now lately I’ve been feel all the self love that I didn’t have time for insecurity but today it hit me. I told my friends how I felt and they were 100% supportive as fuck! I love them for this, but it wasn’t until I went to my clients house that I felt better.
Now these clients I have known for like 4 years at least, they have been with me for a long time and I adore them. They are some of my favorite people and every time I am around them they make me feel so fucking empowered. Being around them immediately stopped my insecurity in its tracks. We sat down for a few minutes chatting and drinking amazing margaritas. It was different and such an awesome night because I got to spend it with wonderful people who built me up to believe in myself.
We forget our own progress, and then look at how others are doing then compare. Those highlight reels really make us look so small in comparison. But here’s the thing, when you feel that way seek out friends. Seriously everyone will tell you it needs to come from within, and blah blah blah. But instead talk to your friends, talk to someone who is supportive. They will remind you of how amazing you are and a badass. I believe in myself and love myself all the time but when I fall into that trap of social media sometimes it makes me belittle my progress and that in turn halts future progress as well. So tell a friend and get that validation. It’s okay to do that. So many people will say no you have to find within, you have to be confident all on your own, but I say screw that. Yes of course validate yourself and empower you, but friends and family are there to help you build. To create a better version of you. Ask them if you need it!
Oh and remember to love yourself. Love yourself so hard in those moments and be so fucking grateful for you. When you love yourself that much the universe comes out to great you!
Today was a 8.