Manifesting when you are unsure
How on earth is this even possible? It’s not. When you are manifesting anything you must be super clear and decisive on what it is you are trying to manifest. Normally I am so good at this, knowing what I want and then letting it drift off into the universe. Has anything I manifested come true! Fuck ya it has. How do you think I got this amazing apartment I am in now, and be able to break my lease without my last landlord coming after me? How do you think I got to where I currently am in my career? Manifestation and belief. Sure I put feelers out for an apartment. But to get the exact things I wanted in one? To get the price, the space, the room, the quiet, the uniqueness? Like lets get serious I believed this shit so hard I got exactly what I asked for.
So where does that leave me now? Well for one I am trying to figure out my next move for my business. I have big news to announce like I said and can’t until September. Also if you ask my boyfriend or his friend I have been saying something super amazing and magical is going to happen to me in September. Like something I didn’t see coming. The announcement I have is not it, but I know whatever it is I can’t wait. I just feel it in my gut and that feeling allows me to trust myself. The “gut feeling” is something you should always listen too. Your heart can be to dreamy and your brain can be imaginative and full of it’s own drama but your gut. That my friends is never wrong. So open your gut to the feast of your life with belief and lets get cracking on how to use it and manifest.
Firstly what are you trying to manifest for yourself? Are you like I need a new car? Okay well then lets add a little pepper to this shin dig and get to stepping. So you want a new car, your car is on it’s last limbs and you don’t have much money to sink into it. Well first off know in your gut you already have a car. (No this doesn’t mean the car thats falling apart.) Believe that you already obtained that new one. Now that you truly feel it let’s put feelers out there to amp it up. What I mean by feelers is talk about it. Say that you are getting a new car soon. Tell people, say it out loud to yourself. Verbalize this because hearing it out loud is different then inside speak. Words are magic they have energy attached to them. You speak negative then all negative things happen to you and vice versa. Get specific with what the car is for you, price range, type, etc. That way you can really drive home the manifestation. Haha see what I did there.. Yea I am a dork.
Now that you put feelers out just move on to something else. It’s like a seed right now, you plant it, water it, and then you have to wait till it grows. Shit isn’t going to happen overnight. Don’t worry about it, let it be at the back of your mind slowly growing and building, but just know it’s coming. You know when you have a vacation planned so you have this amazing thing to look forward too? Well imagine this car is that, oh shit I am so looking forward to this, but you just have to wait. Then when you least expect it maybe you have a friend selling their car to you for a good deal cause their your friend, and your like oh shit. Or maybe your parents decide to get a new car and help you out. Whatever it is just be patient. Patience is key here, also truly feeling it in your gut. Remember keep that excitement about it alive. That vibration is like adding gas to a fire, it sends it roaring to the sky. Add gas every once in a while.
But the first step in all of this is knowing what you want. This is why I am speaking about this, because for me today I am unsure of what that looks like. I have a general idea but I am way to back and forth with it that I am unable to manifest exactly what I am looking for. When you are all over the place it’s like you send all your energy randomly and then nothing ever happens. Devote your time and energy to one thing and watch yourself grow in that thing. It’s that simple. I know for myself the simple aspects I am trying to create but the wishy washy parts of me have yet to commit and decide. So I am going to get to really focusing on what I hope to create. You should too! Happy manifesting!
Today started at a 6 but finished at a 8. Woohoo