Be Kind

Today was good until it wasn’t. Support is a huge thing that is needed by every person in life. Whether its support from family, friends or partners, we need support to grow, to evolve and to find ourselves. Without it we don’t quite know how to support ourselves and others. 

I bring up support because my moms family is literally the most unsupportive dysfunctional side I have met. An event occurred and  it left me feeling overwhelmed and sad. I won’t get into it but if you know someone who suffers from mental illness then please support them or meet them where they are at. I have spent a big portion of my life around mental illness. It runs hard in my family. 

For the longest time I denied it because I believe it was the trauma and other things that caused mental illness. But now I understand and accept it. If you know someone or you yourself suffer from mental illness please be kind. Kindness is magic. You never know what someone else struggles with so be kind. This is all I am going to say on the subject today. My heartches for those in my family and pray for everyone to heal and be healthy soon. 

Today was a 6. 


Manifesting when you are unsure


First Official Day