Where will you go?

When we are feeling stuck or stagnant the best way to interpret that is through meditation, and also thinking about what it is you want. For me I have been thinking so linear about the next steps. What could it possibly be for me? The close minded nature I have is in terms of my career. What do I mean by being stuck and linear? 

Well for me I feel stuck because I have been trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. I think that if I keep talking about it, if I keep actively pursuing it that it will come to fruition but here’s a secret about what I have been trying to manifest. My gut keeps pulling me away from it. It’s this tiny pull feeling that I am not suppose to be doing it, so every time I try to make it happen, it pulls me away even more. That is why I have been feeling stuck, because I have been trying to make a career that I am semi loving into a long term projection when in reality what I want is to be a writer. To share myself, my imagination through words, that is what calls to me more and more everyday. 

Why do I believe it’s so linear? Because I limit myself to what I am good at and what I currently know. I know how to do massage, I know how to learn and manipulate tissue, I know how to trust my intuition on how to help someone, so its easy to think that I have to do this. When I think of a career anything else seems out of the question because I’ve worked so hard to get to where I am, and people all tell me this is my calling. Being linear for me is only thinking in the box that massage will be my only endeavor in this life, so I might as well open a spa or wellness center. That is what I mean by linear, we limit our beliefs to the current projectory we are on and don’t think that we can do anything else, or outside of it. 

So think about your life, what do you want to create for it? What is it that really speaks inside you? Is what you are currently doing bringing you the utmost joy? Do you get to express your creativity, your imagination? Do you get to be what you like? Is there things you wish you had more of or things that you wish you could incorporate in what your doing? If so what steps could you take to get to that? Go meditate in the stuck ness, lean into it and see what comes out of it. You may see something you didn’t know was there, or give yourself the clarity you’ve been searching for. Dare to dream, dare to inspire, Dare to HABIT!!!!

Today was a 8!


The Let Go


Blast from the Past