Finding balance
Today I pulled my tarot. What? You do tarot? Well I have been learning how to read and interpret them so yea. Anyways I pulled my cards and what they showed me was that for the past few weeks I haven’t struck a balance for myself when it comes to work, play and fun. It also told me to start getting in touch with my inner child again and learning to manage my time and energy in a way to create harmony. Which is entirely true, and it also pointed to me in a constant state of worry when it comes to wealth. Which is true.
So I’ve decided to open up a wellness studio to begin my journey into owning a business instead of being just an independent contractor. This has sent me spiraling since I decided this and trying to find a balance has been quite difficult. The thing is I have been so focused on gaining wealth to open this space and what everything will cost that I freak myself out. I constantly have people supporting me in this endeavor, offering their assistance, offering their help, offering support. It’s blown me away but I’ve been so far up my own ass to even fully understand how supported and loved I am.
Why? Well because certain members in my family are struggling financially and I have felt like it’s my job to save them. I have been stressing myself out so much to try to find a way to help them out while trying to run a business and do my own life. See the cards were right. I won’t go into much detail about all of the family stuff but it has been a stressor in my life for a few months now. Slowly getting worst as time goes. It was almost the reason I didn’t post yesterdays blog because what I wrote just didn’t feel good. Just like today I feel that the stress I put myself under to help others, to help my family, to be a constant care taker is killing my creativity, and I am allowing it to. I am in control of my own life, emotions, feelings, and actions, no one else.
Balance is so important for life. But listen this doesn’t mean that every week will require the same balance for that matter. Some weeks you may need to worry more about your family than others where you may prioritizing work. To create balance effectively it will be through awareness of how you are feeling, what is happening that week, and what you need. I have been allowing my thoughts to stretch past the normal boundaries I usually keep with them and that rampant manner is creating a constant state of anxiety for me.
What are some things you can do in order to create balance in your life?
1. Prioritize your time. Figure out what needs your time and focus on that.
2. Breathe. Take deep breaths and center yourself in moments of stress.
3. Do a wheel chart for each week, or even daily if you need to. Attach a checklist with it so when you finish it you get the joy of checking that off. Done!
4. Gain clarity on your why. Why do you need to focus on that? Does it spark joy for you? Or is it to appease the general sense of responsibility?
5. Take a you do if you need to figure out how to schedule things. Taking a day just for yourself may be what you need to get the juices flowing.
6. Drink some water. Staying hydrated keeps the body working and firing on al cylinders. Imagine getting sludgie and trying to maintain focus with mud in your veins.
7. Sit down with a scheduling app or a paper and pen and write down your to do’s for the week. It’s one thing to know what your doing, it’s another to write it down.
When you start to create balance in your life you may find you have more time than you even thought. It may open you up to start a yoga practice, read more, create more, or even take a little day trip with just you. It’s like money, if you don’t have any clue where it’s going or where it’s coming from than you tend to never know how much you have or where it goes. The same goes for your schedule. We create maps that lead us to our future, when we have no map or compass than that’s when we are sailing blind. Stressed because of the uncertainty of what is truly going on. Take control of your life by understanding where you are on your map. Check in with yourself, emotionally, physically, outside of you. That way you can take stock of things and prioritize accordingly, and for a rainy day.
Today was a 5. Rainy and cold, I need sun!!