
What is creativity? It is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. This can be thinking outside the box by turning the present into something that hasn’t been done before, re-vamping the way you do it. There is a process that can spark creativity and some of the steps are super easy to do and can spark the inner imagination.

First you want to start learning. Gather all new material you can and consume it. Your brain may learn something and get creative and try to figure out another way to go about the same task. We are all unique in our thought pattern so by learning and being open to learn you allow your own flavor to put a spin on it. While you are learning allow yourself to really take in everything you are seeing about the topic. By ruminating over it your brain digests it for later consumption. Then step away from it if you need to. Giving yourself space from the process will allow your brain to wire and understand it even more. It’s like when you have that ah-ha moment, the light bulb goes on and your like oh I understand it now. Your mind needs time to process things, so step away and do something else for a bit to let the juices flow. Then when you are ready to return to the subject and allow it to be shaped by your own personal style.

Creativity is something that is developed like anything else. Just like anything in life it requires practice. Some people may appear to be more creative than yourself but that is only because they have adapted to use creativity in their daily life. We are all creative but some don’t develop this side of their self so they say oh I am not creative. It’s not that you aren’t you just never took the time to nurture that side. Creativity is relative from person to person. You could be super creative but don’t see yourself as such because it’s just how you are. Or you could wish to be creative but never challenge yourself to step up to the plate. Whichever you are, if you chose to start being creative then lets start utilitizing 1% everyday to get closer to your goals.

Find some kind of outlet you want to do that will allow you to be creative. Practice it everyday, make it a priority. Say you want to learn to draw animals then everyday practice drawing them. Watch YouTube’s, read how to’s, take a class, get the tools you need for it. Take steps to allow yourself to be able to draw animals the way you would like. If you do nothing and just wish then nothing will be accomplished. If you take tangible steps then you further yourself and your skill set that will allow you to be more creative. When you combine what you know with what you are learning your imagination could unleash something you would of never thought of prior to that.

So what steps could you take right now to allow your creative process to come out? What is something you would like to learn about? Does it spark joy? Find things that will help you to practice creativity. Make mistakes because they help you learn. Each one allows you to sharpen your skill set and hone in on your creative mind. Are you ready to get creative?

Today I am at a 6. My sister came down from buffalo to visit. Of course she visits the one day it snows. I want to be outside and explore with her!!


Happy Mothers Day

